Thursday, November 12, 2009

Drinking and Writing

Writing is weird. Each time I sit down to write, the story pours out of me and leaves me achingly empty, and I wonder if I'll ever write again. I could write in my head - or on the computer - for days, waking in the middle of the night with the perfect adjectives to describe the latest drunken character or wacky bar incident, getting up at 5am to write, or staying up til 2am, and I write it all down and then nothing. Empty. I have no faith that I will find words worthy of writing again. I think, maybe I need a mentor. An inspiration. A drink.

Nothing compares to a glass of wine when one is seeking to enter the creative realms of the deepest, darkest corners of the brain. Okay, a good smokey porter compares. Or a shot of Finger Lakes Distilling rye. Or a dirty martini. What's your drink of choice to keep the words lubricated when you write? Do tell.

On a side note, Leah just made me the most amazing meatloaf (ground turkey-carrots-chard-apple-onion-chipotle-tomato glaze) in the world. It paired beautifully with a bottle of (not Sheldrake Point) Argentinian Vistalba Corte B 2005 (thanks, Adam). And now I write.

And may I add, kudos to Sister Ellen, I shall remain fully incapable for the rest of my days of using one space after a period instead of two.


Ken Moorhead said...

I didn't write a single paper during undergrad without a few fingers of single malt scotch on my desk. No more than two drinks, and then switch to straight cranberry juice to keep me up until it was finished.

brandouglas said...

that can stimulate your brain while you may be writing in a stupor.

an irish latte,
pull the shot of espresso always calibrate your machine of caffeine. it is similar to an Irish coffee, but i tend to add the Irish creme to the milk before i steeme the milk (yes it may burn off some of the alcohol) but it also swettens the milk, and use non-fat milk or soy milk to keep the flavor of the coffee, and the creme